Cause For Action: An ILR Podcast

EPISODE 22: Summit XXI: New Day, New Tactics: The Plaintiffs’ Bar at Work

InstituteForLegalReform Episode 22

On October 19th, 2021, ILR hosted Summit 21: On the Horizon, where we brought together extraordinary panelists to talk about critical issues facing the legal reform community. This episode of Cause for Action is part of a special series of podcast episodes highlighting these panels.

The panel explored some of the new business models and legal theories the plaintiffs’ bar uses to expand liability and increase litigation. The panel also discussed the ins and outs of mass arbitration and what litigation threats we can expect during a post-pandemic “return to normal". 

Laura Lazarczyk, executive vice president, chief legal officer & corporate secretary at Zurich North America, moderated the panel. Panelists included Bill Martucci, a partner at Shook Hardy & Bacon; Steve Lehotsky, a partner at Lehotsky Keller; and Stef Zielezienski, executive vice president and chief legal officer at American Property Casualty Insurance Association.