Cause For Action: An ILR Podcast
Cause For Action is a podcast presented by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal Reform addressing key issues in our legal system impacting American business. Each episode features renowned legal experts who explain the complex litigation landscape and help businesses understand how they are impacted by ever-evolving laws.
Cause For Action: An ILR Podcast
EPISODE 21: Summit XXI: Litigation Line of Sight: Class and Mass Action Trends in Europe
Episode 21
On October 19th, 2021, ILR hosted Summit 21: On the Horizon, where we brought together extraordinary panelists to talk about critical issues facing the legal reform community. This episode of Cause for Action is part of a special series of podcast episodes highlighting these panels.
This panel of experts reviewed trends and forecasts in the European litigation environment, particularly in the areas of competition and antitrust, data privacy, climate change, and consumer collective actions.
The panel was moderated by Ken Daly, a partner at Sidley Austin, and featured Branda Katan, a partner at Stibbe, and Kenny Henderson, a partner at CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang