Cause For Action: An ILR Podcast
Cause For Action is a podcast presented by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Institute for Legal Reform addressing key issues in our legal system impacting American business. Each episode features renowned legal experts who explain the complex litigation landscape and help businesses understand how they are impacted by ever-evolving laws.
Cause For Action: An ILR Podcast
U.S. Department of Justice Enforcement Policies with Former DAG Larry Thompson
Season 2
Episode 2
Former U.S. Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson joins Cause for Action to discuss his impressive career and memorable experiences at the U.S. Department of Justice, and how the DOJ handles corporate enforcement.
Larry is interviewed by John Abegg, ILR’s executive vice president, and they cover topics such as the tradition of Deputy Attorneys General writing memos to outline DOJ policies or practices, the recent "Monaco Memos," and the controversial practice of “slush fund” settlements. Stay for an entertaining story about Larry and former President George W. Bush.
Larry is currently of counsel at Finch McCranie.